Saturday, February 13, 2016

My post in DSG fb

Alhamdulillah dengan izin Allah saya berjaya menamatkan pengajian PhD saya. A journey which started in September 2012, almost 3 years + 3 months of journey. I would like to share some of my experiences and lessons learned with my fellow DSG members.
I am a mother of 4. When I started this journey, the eldest- 7 years while the youngest-2 years old. I was lucky because I did my PhD in a full-time mode. I believe that either you are still single or married, there are many challenges or tests await you. It is an expedition that is meant for you to undergo the challenges sooner or later. One of the tests was my children. However, they are also the inspiration and motivation that keeps me to move forward to achieve my dream.
Usually school holiday is my semester break. I make sure that before the school holiday, I have already submitted drafts for certain chapters to my supervisor. The reasons are: (i) my supervisor can check the drafts during the school holiday and (ii) I can spend time with my family during the school holiday. In this case, planning is needed to guarantee that you have a win-win situation between yourself, family and your study.
Every time any of my kids fall sick, I had to cancel my study plan on that day or sometimes the whole week because apparently each one of them will ‘take turn’ to fall sick especially when the illness is contagious. There was a time when 3 of my children were admitted to hospital simultaneously due to acute gastroenteritis for more than a week. And being a mother, I would sacrifice everything and anything for my children, taking care of them. But that is not the biggest test. My biggest test is when I was bed ridden for almost one month due to sickness that I am not stating here. I felt down, unmotivated and helplessness when I can’t even stand for a week and count on my husband to do the house chores. I was frustrated and of course totally disappointed because at the moment I was just started writing the discussion chapter. I texted my supervisor, telling her my condition and she gave me encouragement and fortitude that I shall not give up. She also told me to keep my thesis aside until I am fully recovered. I would say, that I am really fortunate to have her as my supervisor. She always told me that the most priority is family, then only your study. Then, I started to focus on my health, alhamdulillah I was fully recovered after a couple of weeks and get back to my thesis writing.
There are many lessons I had experienced throughout this journey and this story is only part of it. Each one of us have our own story which is different from one to another. Ianya adalah ekspedisi yang mengajar kita supaya menajdi orang yang sabar dan kuat semangat.
To those who are still in the process of completing your PhD, keep on moving. Sama ada 3 tahun, 3 tahun , 4 tahun hatta 7 tahun sekali pun, teruskan perjuangan anda. Cepat atau lambat InsyaAllah anda akan berjaya. For Muslims, teruskan berdoa, mohon dari Allah kerana segalanya berlaku dengan izin Allah.
Different people, different tests, different journey.
All the best to everyone.

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